Category: Driving Jokes
Yugo vs. Rolls A guy driving a Yugo pulled up at a stop sign alongside a Rolls-Royce. The Yugo driver wound down his window and called across: "Hey, buddy, that's a nice car. You got a phone in your Rolls? I've got one in my Yugo."
"As a matter of fact I do have a phone," replied the Rolls driver nonchalantly.
The Yugo man went on: "Have you got a fridge in your Rolls, because I've got one in the back set of my Yugo?"
"Yes, I do have a refrigerator."
"What about a TV?" Have you got a TV in your Rolls, because I've got one in the back of my Yugo?"
"Yes, of course I have a television set in my car," replied the Rolls driver, irritated.
"How about a bed?" persisted the Yugo driver. "Have you got a bed in your Rolls, because I've got one in the back of my Yugo?"
Annoyed that he didn't have a bed, the Rolls driver sped off and arranged to have one fitted that same day. The following morning, he sought out the Yugo, finally tracking it down to a side street where it was parked with all the windows steamed up. The Rolls driver stepped out of his car and banged on the door of the Yugo. There was no reply, so he banged again. Eventually the Yugo driver stuck his head out. His hair was soaking wet.
The Rolls driver announced loftily: "I now have a splendid bed in my Rolls."
The Yugo driver glared back. "You got me out of the shower to tell me that?"