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Family JokesFree Christian jokes, clean jokes, funny jokes, and clean family jokes and humor about family, kids, children, parents, mother-in-laws, and more.
A Proper Scarecrow - A couple were admiring their garden from the kitchen window. The wife said: "Sooner or later, you're .....read more | Send the Body Home - An American man went on vacation to the Middle East with most of his family, including his mother-in .....read more | Mixed Up Affair - A modern mother was explaining to her little girl about the pictures in the family photo album. "Th .....read more | Mother is Always Right - A man answered the phone. "Yes, Mother," he sighed. "Listen, I've had a long day. Jane has been in o .....read more | Saying Goodbye - A couple were going out for a rare night on the town. They put on their best clothes, called a cab, .....read more | Dressed Alike - A woman came from a large family of five sisters and four brothers. One day she was looking through .....read more | Daddys Trick - A little boy greeted his grandma with a hug and said: "I'm so happy to see you, Grandma. Now maybe D .....read more | On Safari - A big game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in-law. One evening, the husband and wife .....read more | Treat Her Right - Jim was plagued by his spiteful mother-in-law who, much to his dismay, lived with the family. Each .....read more | Twins and More - A census taker in a rural area went up to a farmhouse and knocked on the door. When a woman answered .....read more | His Half Sisters - An 18-year-old boy came home excitedly one night and announced: "Kelly and me are getting married." .....read more | |
