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Pastor JokesFree Christian jokes, clean jokes, funny jokes, and clean jokes and humor about pastors, ministers, church, sermons, faith, and more.
Win The Game - A thriving baseball club is one of the features of a boy's organization connected with a prominent c .....read more | Behind the Clothes Horse - The widow was deep in suds over the family wash, when she saw her pastor coming up the path to the d .....read more | Conversion - A zealous pastor in a Kentucky village made an earnest effort to convert a particularly vicious old .....read more | The Picture - The young pastor during a parochial call noticed that the little daughter of the hostess was busy wi .....read more | Falling From Grace - The new clergyman in the country parish, during his visit to an old lady of his flock, inquired if s .....read more | Thou Shalt Not Lie - A Minister was walking down the street when he came upon a group of about a dozen boys, all of them .....read more | Keep It Short - The best illustration of the value of brief speech reckoned in dollars was given by Mark Twain. His .....read more | The Big Lie - A certain famous preacher when preaching one Sunday in the summer time observed that many among the .....read more | Forgive Your Enemies - The preacher's Sunday sermon was Forgive Your Enemies. Toward the end of the service, He asked his c .....read more | Choice of Words - The clergyman in the following story probably did not mean exactly what he said, though, human natur .....read more | |
